Installation Run as service SSL support

SSL support

Defaults - used values if not set

  • AlwaysHTTPS (default:true) - always redirects to HTTPS when user enters plain HTTP page version
  • AutoCert (default:true) - creates and renews Let's Encrypt certificates for all domains under Routes: param

Automaticaly managed Let's Encrypt certificates with Autocert/ACME (recommended)

Ruxy server will maintain SSL/TLS certificates automaticaly.
Define domains and hostnames in routes section.

    80->localhost:8080:  mydomain.rx, www.mydomain.rx, domain2.rx, domain3.rx 
    443-> mydomain.rx, www.mydomain.rx, domain2.rx, domain3.rx
    443-> another.rx, www.another.rx

On start Ruxy will try create all certificates for listed domains.
Certificates are saved in ./certs folder.

Manual installation

In order to use specific TLS certificates modify ruxy.yml configuration and point to certifica and key files.

AutoCert: false

    80->localhost:8080:  mydomain.rx, www.mydomain.rx, domain2.rx, domain3.rx
    443-> mydomain.rx, www.mydomain.rx, domain2.rx, domain3.rx
    443-> another.rx, www.another.rx

    mydomain.rx: /path/to/public/mydomain.crt, /path/to/private/mydomain.key
    domain2.rx:  /path/to/public/domain2.crt, /path/to/private/domain2.key
    domain3.rx:  /path/to/public/domain3.crt, /path/to/private/domain3.key
    another.rx:  /path/to/public/another.crt, /path/to/private/another.key

It is possible to combine Autocert and Manual TLS certificate methods.